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Feat. Gakupo from Vocaloid.

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☆ odd morning , odd quiz

Friday, March 14, 2008, 8:22 AM.

ohaiyo ~

(yawns) , tday was such an odd morning =.= . first when i woke up , surprisingly i found that my hair was in good shape :D , that made me happy v^^v . i changed and was about to get washed up , mummy screamed from the room . =_= . then i went to her , she came screaming that my skirt dropped down from 12th floor . why she's so anxious ? cos there's painting work gg on , which is = to > th chances of my skirt getting 'painted' is not 0 .
==;;;;;; ..

at first i thought that it was my school skirt(which i wont give a damn) then mum said that it was my black skirt . apparently, th one bought from bugis street . (.....) = to $23 .
what's more that she told ME to go down and take =__= ... so i hurriedly took my black jacket and went down .
such 'luck' that my hair looked good >< .

so i went down and talk to the workers . kind of had communication problems =.=;; , but it turned out that my skirt was stuck in th middle of the ceilings . they say thay'd bring it up to my window later , so i came up .
how nice were they (T.T) . i'm still waiting . LOL .

putting that aside , i'm thinking of gg for a haircut myself today . brother's tatking too much time , and tmr's the carnival =.= , and i got put to 2pm-3pm . whatthefuck , that suck like what . whatever .

anyway , i was tagged by junwei to do a quiz , so i guess i ll do it :} . but i wont tag anyone .
that's too much trouble =.= .

Rules of the game : Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write in their blog of their ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end, you must choose five people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs (:

#1 when i (erm, what u call that?) slice?peel? of the skin of a fruit like apple or what and wash it , i use a tissue paper to clean it dry by wrapping it around (LAUGHS) .

#2 i tend to sit in L's squatting position most of the time at home cos it's more comfortable for me :D .
#3 when there's people around me , i stare even more into the space .

#4 when i seen to be emoing , or any labels that u guys giv me , i'm nt thinking of anything actually , so stop it .
#5 i changed to less aggressive (in attitude and words) .
#6 i appeared to be more sensative that i look from surface .
#7 sometimes , i might behave in a childish manner =.=;; . you can bribe me with strawberry cream cakes and chocolates >< .
#8 i started to hate crowded places since last year .
#9 sometimes , i have the thought of being a guy would be so much btr .
#10 most of the time i look deep in thought , but i'm actally nt thinking of anything :D .

haha o(≧∀≦)o .

sayonara .
