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Feat. Gakupo from Vocaloid.

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☆ Fool's Mate; April 2006

Saturday, September 6, 2008, 11:49 AM.

ガゼット the GazettE
Fool's Mate; April 2006

Interview by Matsumoto Noriko.

A - APPEARANCE: Band formation

REITA When Uruha and I were in a band together, Ruki was a drummer in another local area (Yokohama).

URUHA Then, when the band that we were in disbanded, Ruki's band was coincidentally in a bit of trouble, so he got us to join in.

REITA But that band disbanded too.

URUHA Ruki and Reita and I were left...

RUKI That was one band before Gazette. From that band I became a vocalist, but... how many months did it last?

REITA Three months (laugh).

RUKI So the three of us were like "so what'll we do?" and started to look for other members.

REITA We decided that the next band we formed wouldn't disband.

RUKI And we said, "If this doesn't work out either, it'll be the end of our band!"

MATSUMOTO And this is where Aoi-kun comes into the picture?

AOI After I went to Tokyo I formed my second band there, but my drummer stole three of my members away! Obviously that band separated. I was actually uninvited by these guys (referring to other members of Gazette)! (laugh)

RUKI That's because at first Reita said 4 members were enough (laugh). But when we have guitar solos it sounds weak without backing. So with that, we had to search alot.

AOI And there was like a candidacy sign in front of me, right?

RUKI And then because the world was so small, we got the guitarist from Kai's previous band.

REITA But eventually we refused that one,

So we thought, "Then, wouldn't it be good to get the guitarist from the band of the drummer that we invited?" And we asked Aoi-san. He was the coolest in that band too. So we actually gathered in the studio, and it ended with "Oh! He's good! Join us!"

KAI As for me, when my previous band had decided on disbanding, I first thought, "What should I do next?" I've never started a band from zero myself, so somewhere in my mind I was thinking "For the next band I'll just join too" (laugh). And then when I saw a Gazette live I thought "how cool~". But they'd already got all their members, so I thought it was impossible for me to join. Then one day I got information that Gazette's drummer was retiring. I exchanged numbers with Ruki from meeting him at a session before, so I gave him a call.

B - BASSIST: Reita

URUHA His blood type is A, but he's not an A-type person at all. He's kinda like an A-type with a hole?

RUKI He kinda like has some B-type mixed in him. His obstinacy and proper way of doing things makes him like an A-type, but while he's stubborn he also has that "whatever's okay" feel.

KAI In a good way, there's a part of him that really treats the "mood" very importantly.

RUKI With everything he's always going "isn't it fine?" He's not the type to go "what to do..." and think about something forever.

KAI But I've been saved by that "mood" many times. I'm the type who thinks about things to a difficult level, so he's always telling me "You always think too difficultly about things".

RUKI Ah, he did say that.

KAI Also, he stumbles alot when he talks (laugh).

REITA I just say out whatever comes to mind so it's not stumbling! (laugh)

C - CONTACT (communication)

MATSUMOTO Between phone calls and e-mail (usually refers to text messages) , which one's used more often?

RUKI I guess it's mail. (All but Kai nod)

KAI I'm lousy at mail. I feel it's faster just saying things, so I just call.

REITA I'm the opposite; I hate calls. The reception at my place is bad, so if I don't do this (makes like he's pressed against the window) at the window, I don't get any reception, so that's quite tough. (bitter laugh)

AOI Communication among the members... if it's about anything except a small meeting regarding work, then I guess it's by phone. If the contents are something like "there's too many to remember, right?" then it'll be by mail.

MATSUMOTO By the way, do you use emoticons and such in your mail?

Besides Reita, everyone does. If he uses them, it's like he's forcing himself to use them. (laugh)


RUKI He gives the feeling that he's really good at looking after people, but he's a little restless.

REITA He's really watchful of things around him, but he isn't very watchful of himself, or more like he forgets a lot of things. To the point where I think "Is he sick?!"

AOI Kai doesn't take care of himself, and even when he's on the phone he gives off the feeling as though he's really in a rush. (laugh)

URUHA He seems to be constantly using more energy than other people do.

AOI He makes me think "Relax, relax!" (laugh)

URUHA He's prone to worrying, so he tends to think negative thoughts.

RUKI I think it'll be good if he takes things easier. It's like he's going to die early (laugh). But as expected of the leader, he's number one with doing things properly, isn't he.

REITA He's really responsible. Especially since he's become the leader, I think he's gotten stronger.

E - EXPOSE (exposure): Gazette's secret story

REITA Actually, before Kai we'd already decided on a drummer.

MATSUMOTO Does that mean an illusionary second dimention exists!?

REITA Yea. Our Lives weren't doing that well then, but the guy came into the studio about two times and well, we took pictures too.

AOI When the previous drummer said he wanted to quit, I guess the next drummer just came along.

RUKI Rather than saying the next drummer came along, we said "bring us someone responsible". (laugh)

AOI That's because our Live had been decided. We said "If you have to quit so suddenly, introduce us to someone to replace you."

REITA But that person didn't match up, so we had him quit.

URUHA If we want to talk about skills, he was good but...

REITA There were a lot of things that he disagreed with us about.


URUHA I'm thankful to them. I can't think of anything other than that.

REITA The love of the fans, it's like something that can't be compensated for.

RUKI I'm really thankful to them, and I'm always grateful for them. I just want them to understand this. It's a time whereby the fans hearts are swayed, and somehow our behaviour has caused reactions that have made them uncertain. As our livehouses get bigger... as we we come up with new songs...

MATSUMOTO Like whether you'll go very far, or whether you'll change?

RUKI Probably. But we think that's not likely to happen. It's not like we're throwing away our past songs.

AOI We really wanna tell them not to worry about things like "Will Gazette change...?" We don't have any intention of doing so, anyway. As it is now, we'd just be grateful as long as they simply enjoy our Lives and CDs.

We've got fan letters saying "I feel relieved hearing the 'old songs'", and seeing that made me really happy.

G - GUITARIST: Uruha & Aoi

MATSUMOTO What kind of person is Uruha-kun?

RUKI A typical O blood-type person. A nonchalant person.

REITA He seems the type that won't run away even if there was a big earthquake.

URUHA I'd run too! (laugh)

KAI He totally doesn't have that disorganised kind of image. He takes things at his pace too much, or something. So much so there are times we think "At least hurry up a little, man."

URUHA You guys rush too excessively!

REITA It's not like he thinks about his own pace, it's more like it just naturally happens that way.

RUKI That's why if we see something as relaxed, he probably sees it as being rushed. (laugh)

REITA But surprisingly he has a passionate side too. When I got injured at a Live at Nagano, he said he'd "go properly notify" my parents.

MATSUMOTO Well then what about Aoi-kun?

ALL (saying in unison) He's like an A-type person.

RUKIHe's got the spirit of a true artiste. Like a red-pen teacher? Kinda like "Teacher, I've done it!" "Okay/not good."

ALL Is that what a red-pen teacher is like!? (laugh)

REITA Not just with music, but with anything he does, he's always severe or methodological. For example, if I need help with moving, I'll definitely ask Aoi-san. Because he'll move things so that no one hits the shelf or something.

KAI I know, I know!

RUKI He concerns himself with things it's like a "This looks like someone could hit it and get hurt, so I'll paste tape on it", kind of consideration. And when anyone hits the shelf he gets super pissed. (laugh)

AOI Actually that's exactly why. (laugh) If I'm moving things and someone gets hit I'll go "What the hell you doin'!"

RUKI He gets angry easily.

MATSUMOTO Even if it's not your own equipment?

AOI Ah no, only when it's my own equipment. (laugh)

URUHA That's why Aoi-kun's equipment all look brand new.

REITA But his place is totally messy...

AOI I'm just bad at cleaning up my own room. I've got a lot of laundry, but it's not to the point of how I carry shelves. (bitter laugh)

H - HEALING (Things that heal you)

RUKI Incense. Real incense.

MATSUMOTO Which means fragrances like Sandalwood.

AOI Ruki's room, because it smells like a temple. (laugh)

KAI For me it's games, I guess. Simulation kinds or RPGs, I pretty much like them all.

AOI For me, I'll go into the studio and gaze at all my set-up equipment. Times like that are most effective in healing.

REITA It's TV for me! I'm a real TV junkie, so when I'm at home the TV's never switched off. I especially like sports, news and documentaries.

URUHA Alcohol for me. I've been liking champagne recently.

I - IDEAL: The image of an ideal person

AOI Kagrra's Shin-san and Izumi-san's lives put together. I'd like to have Shin-san's music skills and Izumi-san's visual skills. With those two, I think I can be the best.

REITA For me, my ideal is a person who is un-agitated by whatever happens.

URUHA My ideal is someone who doesn't show off what he has.

RUKI My ideal is... an honest person, I guess. Like, "even if stupid, that honesty is a redeeming feature".

KAI I want to be good at talking! Also, I want to be someone who isn't forgetful... (laugh)

J - JAPANESE (Japanese people)

REITA Japan is still, somehow or other, peaceful compared to other countries no matter what happens, so that's good. But because of the gap that's caused by the feeling of being America's yes-man, there are many adults who won't forgive tattoos or dyed hair. It's like, "which one is it!?"

KAI Also, Japanese people are shy about the strangest things. Even if they're confident they never show their shy side.

RUKI I don't like how Japanese are so stiff. Foreigners are more open. Japan isn't all about Family Feeling = "Number of people, brotherhood". It's more like a "Everyone's a rival" feeling, isn't it? There are also lots of people who don't help foreigners when asked for directions.

AOI Ah, I think so too. But Japanese food is delicious, the toilet doors are properly closed from top to bottom, and we have baths. It kinda makes me feel that Japan's the best.

MATSUMOTO Are those the thoughts you got from visiting other countries?

Foreign countries are a little bit too wild (bitter laugh).

URUHA And their shop attendants' attitudes are really something, huh. It's like, how can you sell anything without that kind of smile?! And they're so rough with handing your change. It's impossible to live there!

K - KARMA (fate): Do you believe in a previous life?

RUKI I don't believe in that.

KAI I don't believe it either.

AOI Uhhhm.... I'm also on the non-believer side.

REITA I definitely believe! I record "Aura Spring" every week.

URUHA What was your previous life?

REITA Well... Napoleon... or something?

URUHA I don't believe in a previous life either, but I'd like to be Oda Nobunaga.

ALL (laugh)

I think people change by being reborn! That's why one day someone like Spiritual Counsellor Ehara(Hiroyuki)-san will say to me, "YOU were once a bassist in a band called Gazette"!

URUHA Then wouldn't a person who's changed by a rebirth go "ARE YOU SERIOUS! (CRY)"?

ALL (burst out laughing)

No, such a guy will think it's okay because he's been reborn. Like once in a while we see people on TV who have memories from their previous lives, and I believe everything they say.

RUKI Seriously!?

REITA But there are people who can speak some sort of foreign language since childhood, right? You can't not believe that it's because of a previous life.

MATSUMOTO I wonder what job Ehara-san had in his previous life. He said it was related to what he's doing now, didn't he?

REITA Yes, yes that's it!

RUKI As I look on I think it's amazing, but I still don't believe.

REITA Then I'll set you up to meet Ehara-san.

RUKI Do you know him personally or something! (laugh)

L - LIVE: What is a Live to Gazette?

URUHA Isn't it like the life of a band?

ALL (nod)

KAI It feels like that's what we're working so hard for.

URUHA For a Live we make new songs and release new CDs.

MATSUMOTO Turning towards Budoukan, what are your current feelings?

RUKI We don't see Budoukan coming right now. Going around on our tour, we wanna let out the things that have piled up along the way right there (at Budoukan).

URUHA Even if it's just an example, our vision for Budoukan is still in a state of black and white, and even as we're going through our tour that colour still stuck, so to speak.

RUKI To see a great scene at Budoukan, we're Touring, and to have the fans who came for at least once of our Lives to be there, it will be moving. Like when the fans go "Ah, this is it. The moment on the other side that we've all wanted to see."

MATSUMOTO It's like a phrase heard from somewhere (laugh) (note: A saying by BOOWY-a Japanese rock band)

RUKI But it feels like that. That's a good line, isn't it. Like going to see a scene we've never seen before. We can't do that alone, it's a scenery that cannot be seen without the fans. It's like we're being watched by God from above, isn't it? And at that time we'll be thinking, in what way are we unifying the stage and the fans... Jesus!

REITA Well said!

M - MUSIC: Your first encounter with musical instruments

KAI I'm not boasting or anything but it's kinda been in me since I was born. My parents were piano teachers, so there was always music in the house.

URUHA So you're a thoroughbred??

KAI (laugh) That's why it took time before I woke up to music. It was already natural in my environment, so I didn't think I'd want to do music myself.

MATSUMOTO So why the drums, then?

KAI My encounter with drums was fate. I've heard many sounds (from instruments) since I was a kid, but I never really had the opportunity to listen to drums. But when I was in my second year of junior high my mum brought me to a jazz concert, and it was love at first sight with the drums.
AOI My elder brother played the guitar, and when I watched him I'd think he looked so cool. Right then I'd decided, "Guitar's the only one for me." The electric guitar's cool, because it can produce so many different sounds.

MATSUMOTO Your brother likes western-style metal music, right?

AOI Yes. It's because of that that I'm like that too. Well even now I still like that style, though. (laugh)

RUKI I guess mine was also because of my older brother. My brother also likes heavy metal... so I remember listening to bands like X, Iron Maiden or Halloween. At that time, the CD jackets were primarily illustrations. A part of me liked that dangerous image. I would take those CDs out of my brother's room without telling him just to listen to them. Somehow my brother had the drumsticks of Higuchi-san (Loudness) and YOSHIKI-san (X JAPAN). I didn't know those things were on sale, so I thought he got them from a Live, and I always borrowed them without permission (laugh), and would get so caught up with playing them while I watched videos in my room. At that time there was a cultural festival at my school, and my friends decided, "Let's do a (SEX) PISTOLS cover", so I lost at janken (rock, paper, scissors) and had to do drums (laugh). My brother had a guitar too, but I thought it was too difficult and there was no way I could play it.

REITA What was I thinking, suddenly in my second year of junior high I thought, "I'd be cool if I could play the guitar". I was without knowledge, so thinking I couldn't play an electric guitar at home, I bought an acoustic. But I didn't know how to play that, and I soon stopped, and bought an electric (laugh). Around that time the friends around me also started to play the guitar, so we exchanged information here and there, but it was so hard, in the end I got sick of it. But about the time I bought the electric guitar, LUNA SEA was on TV and watching them I thought, "I wanna be in a band!" So next I planned on getting a bass. In the past I couldn't even follow the sound of bass on CDs. So I thought "If it's a bass, even if I make mistakes I won't be found out", and with such an impure motive I started the bass. But you could say I woke up when my friends and I first did a cover of a song. Uruha was with me at that time, and I thought "Hey it's actually fun!" From then on I was completely absorbed, and covered many many songs every day.

URUHA I was also influenced by listening to LUNA SEA in my second year of junior high. But it wasn't because I had no power for action that I decided to buy a guitar. My friends who had guitars let me hold their guitars, and through that I came to think guitars are nice. That's the gist of how it started.

N - NECESSITY: Something you'll feel bothered without

RUKI Right now it's the band, I guess. (all nod)

KAI Well since everyone seems to agree, shall we leave it at that?

RUKI In that case... then it's my parents. I feel I won't be able to believe it if they're not around.
KAI Days off. I think it's definitely important to take a breather, and it's because of that that we're able to work hard.

AOI Then... for me it'll be consecutive holidays?

ALL (laugh)

AOI Well I'm not saying one week or anything. 2 days would be satisfactory. But even if I'm on break I'll still do band stuff. Everyone too, right? I don't think anyone would go off and play pachinko or anything like that. (looks at Reita)

REITA You're absolutely right~! For me, something I'll feel bothered without... Slots?

ALL (burst out laughing)

REITA But I'm single now, right? (laugh) For me... I'll overlap this with what I said in the Healing section, it's TV (laugh). It's informative, and I won't get negative when I watch it.

AOI No one said it's a bad thing. (laugh)

REITA If I learn something new on TV, I'll tell the members all about it the next day (laugh).

AOI You're always very lively when you do that, aren't you (laugh).

URUHA For me it's musical instruments.

REITA He's doing it again~~ saying things on his own and trying to act all cool! (laugh)

O - OFFER (proposition): Words of persuasion from the members

RUKI The three of us (Ruki, Uruha and Reita) have been together since before Gazette so..... what we all said, and what we said in the beginning, "Let's make this our last band".

REITA "If this is doesn't work out, then give up. Go get a job."

RUKI That (getting a job) is totally impossible, though. (laugh)

REITA When it comes to Aoi-san... it won't be a line like "a proper job", it would be a handshake, right?

AOI Yea, a handshake.

URUHA But you said "let's do it together" in front of me, didn't you? And you let me hear Wakaremichi...

AOI Yea. But that's because the other two didn't know about it (laugh).

URUHA And I was so focused then...

MATSUMOTO And about Kai-kun?

KAI I said it before, but my phone call to Ruki was a key moment. At first I couldn't say "join", so I said "Can I go see your next Live?"

RUKI The moment he called me I was like "Here it comes!" and I knew. So I asked, "Kai-kun, have you decided on your next band?"

And at that moment, I was also thinking "Here it comes!" (laugh)

P - PRAYER: What are you wishing for right now?

RUKI I'm not changing my mind, it's to be continue with the band forever. Also, that relationships won't sour among the band members. And there are those bad people aren't there. I can only wish for them to not exist... What should I do? It's like my personality's become really bad.

REITA Eh? Don't concern yourself with that.

ALL (laugh)

KAI As long as we five are together, nothing's going to change. For example, if each of us were to be doing our own solo activities and happen to involve others, there'll probably be another side of us surfacing.

RUKI Recently I've really been worried about what's gonna come in the future. Right now I'm thinking "We only live once, so it's fine as long as we enjoy ourselves". But I'm really thinking "What'll I do without the band..?" It's my last band after all, so I'd want to do this until I become an old man.

REITA If the band is taken away, there's nothing much we can do.

KAI I want all our fans to understand our feelings. There's definitely parts that we cannot express enough. I want the fans to understand us, and to become one with us. There are some things that can't be communicated with words, aren't there? That's why it'll be good if we can do that at Japan Budoukan.

AOI For now, my wish is for the Tour to end with no problems.

REITA The band is number one to me too, but there a lot of things I want to do. Like riding a Harley. Or like being good at skateboarding.

RUKI Those are pretty small wishes. (laugh)

REITA Anyway I'll wish that I want to do all the things I want to do.

URUHA I... don't want to die.

ALL !! (laugh)

KAI That kind of uttering reply is so likely of you. (laugh)

URUHA But I really think that way. I can't die now. But when I lie down to sleep there are times when I suddenly think, "What'll I do if I die". When I think of that I get scared.

REITA Are you okay? Should I like... bring you to Disneyland or something? It'll be good to visit the Land of Dreams (Disneyland) at least once, right?

ALL (laugh)

Q - QUESTION: Something you cannot understand

RUKI I guess it's the censorship company. I know there are things that cannot be said and stuff but... I really can't just hold back wanting to show my expressions.

AOI As a member I also don't understand. Like why people are always going "Ah, it's like this," when it comes to our work.

KAI Aren't we just being judged by words? For the sake of wanting to say "It's bad", although we use those kind of words and express it that way, we're not understood. If we're being judged simply by the words we use, then I think it'll become impossible for us to express anything at all.

URUHA Also, this has got nothing to do with the censorship company, but you know how Horiemon was going around ass-kissing and causing a big uproar saying "That guy's amazing". But when he got caught he said "It was useless from the start". It made me want to say "Then why didn't you say that in the first place!"

REITA Those who judge by results alone piss me off.

MATSUMOTO But when a band is popular, it goes that people will say lots of good things, right?

RUKI That's how people are (defeated laughter). But there are still a lot of things I don't understand. I don't even understand myself, who can't talk about all those things (bitter laugh).

URUHA But if you get all your dissatisfactions out of the locker, you'll be left with nothing.

R - RESOLUTION: What was the turning point that made you decide to start a band?

AOI When I came to Tokyo it was a turning point too, but during a late-night show some band was doing a Live and when the band's image flowed out I thought wrongly: "I can do better than that". That's where it started.

URUHA Until my turning point I'd been practicing a little at my friend's place, then in high school I found how much fun it was to gather at a studio. That was the turning point. If it was boring at that time, I probably wouldn't have become a musician.

REITA Mine's about the same as Uruha's, just that in my case it wasn't in a studio, it was when I got a song together at my friend's place, and it was pretty shocking. I thought, "If I could make a living like this I'd be so happy".

KAI That goes for me too. The shock I got the first time I gathered with a band in a studio is so great that I still remember it. Up till then I'd always had an interest in drums, but not in a band. But after that studio session was over I thought I'd take a gamble with a band and I quit high school!

RUKI I wasn't completely serious about my first band. It was around the time I grouped up with these two (Uruha & Reita)... around the first time I started a band with members who understood the meaning of an original band. At that time I thought "I'm gonna be doing drums for life".

MATSUMOTO When was the turning point that made you go with vocals?

RUKI I switched while I was still in the middle of my previous band, so we had a 'band change' of vocals and drums. But I just couldn't understand that vocalist. I thought "I'm better than that!" Then, when I decided I'd go with vocals, was when I got a letter after a Live saying "I'm so moved". I was so happy, and on the contrary I was the one who was moved. (laugh)

S - SORROW: Something that was sad.

RUKI The saddest thing recently, was the day before our starting live at Shibuya AX, there was a funeral for the girl who let us use Lo-d. It was so sad my tears couldn't come out. I was shocked, you see...

ALL (nod in agreement)

RUKI Somehow, you know. When there's a death of someone close to you, you feel it the most.

ALL (silent for a while)

REITA Can I say something deep too? It was received from a friend of a fan: "I have a friend who likes Gazette, who really likes Reita so much his picture is on her cell phone display screen...". It seemed that girl was seriously ill, and even though she was in hospital she kept listening to Gazette songs, and when she was discharged I think she wanted to come to a Gazette live, but that girl passed away. It was my first time hearing of any of our fans passing away, so I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I wanted to let the other fans know that "one of our friends is gone", but I didn't know what to write in the diary, so I didn't write anything. So I'd like to take this opportunity to say... even if we're reborn and changed, it'll be nice if everyone remembers Gazette.

T - TEMPER: If you were to describe your personality in a single word?

KAI I fail alot.

AOI Stern with other people. But super super nice to myself. (laugh)

REITA Stubborn

RUKI If I think it's okay, it's okay. But if I don't agree with it, I'll definitely say I don't like it. I guess you could say I'm in a strange kind of a hitch?

URUHA I'm at "my pace".

U - UPDATE (newest info)

AOI On the 7th of June, there will be a PV collection released. It's got 6 songs. 3 from NIL and...

RUKI And 3 songs from the single that will be released before that. It's also fine if you want to compare then and now.


REITA You never know what's he's thinking.

KAI In fact, it's because you never know what he's thinking inside.

RUKI Are you saying I'm scheming!? Please stop!

KAI I don't mean that! (laugh) I mean you're a mysterious person.

REITA It's cheap talk, but he's a guy who joins me when I act like an idiot. That's a lifesaver (laugh). But because of that I always pretend not to hear Uruha when he talks to me. But for an idiot, to react is... what kind of hearing does he have, I wonder. (laugh)

URUHA The kind that can't hear anything else but funny talk, isn't it. (laugh)

KAI .... but I think the one who's really pulling Gazette along is Ruki. He's always looking ahead, coming up with plans and stuff. Sometimes he's just one step in front of everyone else. I'm the leader, but it's more like I'm pushing the band from behind, and Ruki's pulling it from the front.

URUHA Yea. In fact, when we're stuck thinking "what do we do now?" it's Ruki who strikes. And when he does a plan just comes up. Like poof.

RUKI Like a written oracle. (laugh)

W - WARDROBE (clothes)

RUKI Fundamentally we all pick our own clothes individually. We have an image and tell our dresser "I want to go with this", and our dresser will come up with something for us. And our dresser doesn't really give us any other ideas.

AOI It's also because we've been together a long time. Since we formed Gazette.

RUKI Regarding the clothes in NIL, we actually talked about having a feel of uniformity at first.

REITA And also sometimes we even come up with matching outfits.

X - X-RATED (18 and above): Yourself as a child

KAI I was attracted by delinquency, and was a kid who just wanted to do bad stuff.

RUKI I was no different than I am now. Even when I go back to my homeland people still say "You never change, do you~" (laugh) When I was in high school I wanted to be an engraver so bad I put in my utmost effort. Also I was fascinated by Punks.

AOI I was a kid who'd never continue what he started. Rather than saying it was a tiredness syndrome, but whatever I did, I'd get tired of it.

MATSUMOTO You also did surfing before, right?

AOI Ah, so I did. I'm not good at it to the level of having it as a hobby, but I've been in competitions and stuff.

RUKI Ah! I saw an old photo! He was all dark and was doing a twist. When we went to Hawaii he even went out alone to surf.

AOI Things that I continue, I continue. Things that I've continued are Kendo, surfing and the band, that's about it.

REITA I'd decided on being in a band since high school, so somehow I misunderstood something somewhere. It was a manufacturing industry high school, so I was made to take an exam and if I took more exams I would have gotten more qualifications (licenses), but I ended up not taking anything. Somehow... it was like I was betting on my insurance. Now that I think about it, I think, "What's wrong with taking it; there's no loss in doing so". (laugh) Now I don't want to take bets on insurance, besides the band..... thinking about it now I should have tried for more licenses. The only one I had was for handling dangerous goods, and because I had that qualification, when I worked part-time at a gasoline stand my pay was up by 50 yen.

ALL (laugh)

REITA I thought it would also be for the sake of the band and took it, but... I failed. (laugh)

RUKI That's the worst. (laugh)

URUHA I was a really normal kid. I get fan letters that often say "No one will understand visual kei at school", and I understand that feeling all too well. It was good that when I was in junior high there was a visual boom, but in high school there was no one else who liked visual kei but me. Those times were super boring. But then punk became the in thing, and I hated those who would so easily speak of punk. So I came to understand that it couldn't be helped if I talked to those I didn't agree with.

Y - YEARLY: Speaking of once a year...?

RUKI Birthday, I guess.

KAI For some reason it's the Autumn festival at my hometown.

AOI What could it be... I don't really hold an interest in things like events. Hmm... birthday, I guess?

URUHA Like Aoi-kun, my feelings for annual things are fading... but if it's something big that makes hands go up, it's probably a birthday.

REITA For me it's every big day. Interesting things on TV, and I do lots of things~ (laugh)

Z - ZOOM (sudden rise): Regarding being said to be on a sudden rise in popularity

KAI A situation in which we are able to to let many people hear our music is something we can take well. Recently we really hear it (the flow of Gazette's music) alot in many places. We feel even more responsible than ever.

RUKI I'm really happy that the band is growing. Lots of things are coming out too. But while we're gaining more freedom in some ways, on the other hand we're also getting more restricted in other ways. But we can do it because we like it.

REITA But honestly, it doesn't really feel like it's coming back to us. Like when my parents record me on TV and I watch it. Actually, when I hear us on radio I think "It's on air, awesome!" but as I'm listening I feel like it's not my own band.

AOI Regarding the phrase "sudden rise in popularity", I think we shouldn't look like we're going to run away at any moment. To me, those aren't very happy words. Somehow... it's like they lack foundation. That's why on the contrary, we must be careful. I think there are good ways to say it so we won't forget ourselves.

REITA There's a pressurizing feeling. Along with being described that way, people are watching us with more critical eyes. And we think that because of that we have to work even harder...

URUHA From when we started the band, and now too, our feelings of wanting the band to succeed have not changed. But because it's become like this, I think it's because we have support around us. We're learning here here because many people have helped, and taught us.

RUKI It's true that we could never have gotten all the way here on our own, and we fully acknowledge that.

original: http://community.livejournal.com/toraniya/1858.html#cutid1
taken from: http://community.livejournal.com/toraniya
