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☆ class survey

Tuesday, October 14, 2008, 11:55 AM.

i'm just bored ._. . i think it had been half a year since i did surveys ._. .

1. What do they call you in class?

2. Who is the most quiet in class?
... rachita?

3. Which teacher always gets angry with you all?

i'm quite a good girl... except for my hair o.o

4. Who is always the earliest to reach school?
me, hong yi, rayne, yeow hong when he forgets to do homework and, and, i can't rmb :D

5. Who is always late to enter the class ?
aunn ning :D!

6. Who is the smartest?
aunn ning and chan qy o.o?

7. Who always sleep in class?

i used to in the early months, but not so often now *smiles proudly*

(in the middle of this survey, mum came back, and apparently, she bought a pole back[for some reason larh] and she ACTUALLY CLIMB THE STAIRS BACK COS THE POLE CAN'T FIT INTO THE LIFT. OOOMMMGGGG. 12 STOREY.)

8. Who is the leader of the class?
fareed and nad, chairman and vice.

9. Which subject do you hate most?
geog and english

10. What was the worst punishment in class?
adli. ask him

11. What do you bring to class?
my teddy bear

12. What is the best subject?
free period

13. What do you always do in class?

14.Have you ever get scoldings from your teacher ?
duh -.-.

15.whats your position in class ?
the girl who sits at the 2nd table at the back.

16.Have you ever had become first in class?

17. Who sits on your left ?
air. jiaxi on the right

18. Whose the funniest in class ?
they tried to be funny, but entertained much of us

19. What do you influence in class ?
hair :DDD. they know i love japanese style

20. Who eats the most in class ?
how do i know. you mean by body weight?

21. What do you put in your bag everyday ?

22. Do you on your phone during school ?

23. Who knows some of your secrets ?

24. Who do you hate in class ?
ahem, bu fang bian jiang -.-
