Can you hear me?



Feat. Gakupo from Vocaloid.

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☆ updated! and takeru with natural hair colour~

Sunday, February 8, 2009, 6:19 PM.

konnnnbanwaaa \(>O<)/~~~~ ahhh, dear shou >_< *blush*.

it had been sometime since i last blogged -.-. damn was busy with school. CAs are coming up next week and i was pretty panick about it, only when aunn ning told me 'why get so worked up for a simple class test'. oooopppppps. but.... just study T_T. i have to at least get clear of the simpliest topics of the pure sciences.

and there's nothing to blog about jrock*sigh*. i want to hear more from dear shou-yan and hiro-pon DDDDDDDD: . alice nine. diaries is not updating! and the members are not updating very often :(. *rolls on bed*. i hope that i have the time to go out next saturday... oppps! it's valentine's day -_-. i need to find the time to go orchad~~~ >___<. nyyyaaaa.

the bazaar is around the corner, i hope that everything goes well.
and all the best to CA1, ミカ~~

and extras~~~~~~

1. nyaaa~~ love him blonde >3<~~
2. he looks like a normal japanese guy with black hair >__<. can you imagine him with black hair and sings LOVE SCREAM PARTY?! xDD
3. pink suck....
