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☆ nuffnang

Monday, June 29, 2009, 6:24 PM.

i'm... bored D: .
i realised that i havent been blogging about myself lately, it's all the gackt madness all over the place(laugh).

there is some bloody f**king chem test some when this week, but tomorrow's only a half period lesson... and i'm bloooody lazy to study. hate pure chem.

i went to nuffnang today and look at the clicks and stuff, and i notice that my visits from United States is always the highest =.=. dont understand why lol. and my blog was searched/founded by some keywords(no wonder there's random visitors recently OO).

i didnt really believe it, so i went to google and search for them myself(laugh).
some keywords are like "hard revenge milly bloody battle premiere" and "gazette premiere called hard revenge.milly-bloody".

it's there!

look, im so bloody free bored to play around with these(laugh).

and for "ayabie media vault", i'm at the top!(laugh)

my visits are relatively high, but is it all my own clicks ==;;;? (laugh)
i kinda click for my own blog 4 times in one day... LOL.
glad and wanna make my blog more popular(lol). popular as in, i can get more vk fans to visit :D.

it's cold and raining today, but i eaten ice cream!(laugh)
it's mango, yam and corn, but i scoped the corn off.

and geez, my breadou was injusred :(. it tore and i had to get a plaster for it(laugh).

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