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Feat. Gakupo from Vocaloid.

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Sunday, December 6, 2009, 5:32 PM.

kkyyaaaaaaa~ today's another wth days in the holidays~
and i finally finished reading 和亲公主 today~ that seriously, thick book with small fonts. glad that i went to the library that day. it's another 穿越文 xDDD~~ was starting to love this genre since this holiday. i find that this genre is rather amusing and satisfying compared to the normal love novels that i read(you know, like those manga - Shoujo, slices of life, etc, lol.).

gulp. but the ending kinda pissed me off.

承德,承德为了见楚杨,见到了楚杨后的那个情节,真是他妈的太感人了 T___T!!

可恶!可恶的丁小仙 T______T!!在最关键的时刻竟然还有脸出现!出来了还强行把楚杨带走 T_________T!!!!!!承德的生死都不知道怎么样了!!!!

还有!!!!把楚杨调回现代我就不计较了,正常人都会在结尾让女主角遇上和男主角长得一样或有着男主角的灵魂的人,最后两人幸福地在现代生活,皆大欢喜!可,可,可这结尾 O_____O,姑奶奶我花了多上的时间来读这本书,竟然只丢下了一句‘原来,这不是梦’就结束了?!我惊讶得翻了又翻,翻到我脑袋都坏了,什么跟什么?!?!虽然可以留给读者一些遐可是看了还真让人火大!!!!

huuuuuuuuuuuuhuuuuuuuuuhuuuuuuuu, huo qi tai da le, yi bu xiao xin jiu yong le hua wen.
holy! back to english :D.
i'll write about yesterday's gathering later.

承德 T___________T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!