Feat. Gakupo from Vocaloid.
---- Best view in Google Chrome, 1280 x 800. ----
召し上がれ。 |
WelcomeEggplants?Feat. Gakupo from Vocaloid. ---- Best view in Google Chrome, 1280 x 800. ---- |
☆ hmm uhhm munchhhMonday, June 23, 2008, 5:53 PM.shall do a proper post tomorrow.and since they said that they're gonna do a strict attire check, i shall clip up my fringe while leaving huge bunch of side bangs. MUHAHAHA. so, shall i join in the Nao birthday project? ._. how i wished i was the one who's gonna met Nao and say 'happy birthday~'. (>_<、)/"... and surprisingly, my blog had reached 1708 clicks OO. is it that there are really friends or random people coming in, or are they just repeated clicks -.-? arhg, who knows -_-. |