Can you hear me?



Feat. Gakupo from Vocaloid.

---- Best view in Google Chrome, 1280 x 800. ----


Friday, September 11, 2009, 6:17 PM.

during these days i had been returning to school to finish a damned drawing for the damned compulsary writing competition that requires an illustration and text =.=. after 3 days of torture and back aches and hand muscle pain, I FINALLY FINISHED IT. WUUUHOOOOO.


(the quality i get here is quite bad... how's yours O_O?)

after editing

nice O__O?
this is the best i can do. i drawn it with pencil on an A4 paper(about 2 hours? framing, sketch, details and outline) and went to school to loan a tablet pc =___=. gaaaaah the MRC man has attitude problem(lol). for some reason, i find his character very similar to me =__=. ahem, okay, back to topic. i only completed this after 3 days. i finished the girl after colouring for about 5 hours for the first day, the cushion, sofa and curtain for another 5 hours on the second day and the floor and windows on the third day. it's because there's a lot of shading and layers~~ i totally screwed the floor part cos i was confused with the shadings... *sigh 8_____8*...

ANYWAY, it's my first time(and maybe the last) drawing with tablet pc. it's fun and tiring ^___^+, but never mind~~~~ xDD.
next time, i wanna draw gaze or gackt(laugh)!

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