Feat. Gakupo from Vocaloid.
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WelcomeEggplants?Feat. Gakupo from Vocaloid. ---- Best view in Google Chrome, 1280 x 800. ---- |
☆ ♥Thursday, December 17, 2009, 11:32 AM.MOOD: (´∀`)LISTENING TO: - I'M HERE TO SPAM AGAIN. NOTE: HEAVY SPAM OF IMAGES FUIFUIFUIFUI ~3~. DROP-DEAD GORGEOUS. ♥ MIAMIA(T/N: sound effect). KKYYAAA ヾ(≧Д≦)ノ~~~ kawaii deshou? KAIWAII DESHOU!?!? kyyyaaaa xDDD~~~ *pats Break's head* sugar crunches. ROFL. ROFL BREAK KENA SMACKED. Again! (*♥ω♥*) ~~ Gil and Oz's face xDDD. he looked like he's about to get rapped xDDDDDD. THIS FACE IS *thumbs up* ROFL. Oscar-ojisan thinks that he's still young xDDD. and here's my favourite - when neko strikes Gil: 1. He took a few seconds to register 2. He realised that it's a.... NEKO!!! 3. GIL FREAKS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROFLLLLLLLL. THAT FACE IS CHHHOOU~~ KAWAII!! G and O: .___.*squeeze squeeze*~~ Oz is cute, but he's 25 already xDDDD. HAHAHHAHAHAHA. THIS 2 MADE ANOTHER PAIR. kyyyya oAo!!!! Gil surrounded by girls~ ROFL. this cat is just... too cute. (HAHAHAHAHA)when this.... (WEKAKAKKAAK)plus this.... ... and turns out like this xDDD. Oz's angry~ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Eliot blaming his 'brother' for running away from Nightray xDDDD. Eliot: Wearing an uniform at the age of 24... Aren't you ashamed of it?!?! Gil: !!!!!!!!!!!! *too hurt/shocked for words* ROFL. Gil do cares about his age xDDDDDD. (but seriously, the boy's uniform looked like... doesnt look like uni. like some cocktail suits lol.) HAHAHHAHA. this reminds me of something. cant remember though LOL. HAHAHAHA. REJECTED xDDD. ROFL. I'M FALLING FOR BREAK. Sharon has sister complex xDD! BAD DRINKERS. ROFL. kawaii ♥--♥~~ *steals him and put him inside my pocket* ROFL. Sharon behaves like a Queen when she's drank~ doesnt people say that one reveals his/her true self only when the person is in drunk state xDDD. HOLY. I ♥ EPISODE 20. Doushite OvO? 'CAUSE YOU GET TO SEE OUR CUTE GIL GETTING DRUNK. MI-TE! first~ the funny part with the poor maid xDDD~ Angry Drunk Gil xDD~ HE TALKS TO THE VASE. LOL. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. THIS PART, THE WAY HE SCREAM THIS OUT IS REALLY, REALLY HILARIOUS. REALLY, I'M NOT LYING!!!!!!! and~ when Gil goes Maudlin~~ KEEHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. that was great. GREAT. that episode is totally loved ♥-♥. sent me to heaven with all those Gil-drunkness and how everyone behaved xD. BUT MOST PARTS WAS ON GIL. TEEHHEEEEEEE. i bet the mangakan loved Gil too *-v-*. ahhh, ahhhhh, but it's ending soon ;_;. maybe i'll catch the manga? it's still ongoing on onemanga though :/? and they seem to talk more it manga, although most of the parts are the same~~ like when Eliot tried to slaughter Gil(lol), he didnt mentioned anything like Gil running away from home in the anime, but the manga did(i only read that part xD). kyya~~ nice time. anyone finished your homework? Labels: anime, image spams, Pandora Hearts |