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☆ ayabie 100 question interview

Saturday, May 24, 2008, 11:48 PM.


ayabie 100 question interview


1. Birth date: April Fool's(1st april)
2. Blood type: A type
3. Birthplace: Gunma
4. Height&Weight: 167cm (5'6”) & 52kg (115)
5. Shoe Size: 25.5 cm
6. ring-size: doesn't know
7. smokes: Bevel furea 1mm
8. favorite perfume:parabole?, sui dream, lolita lempicka
9. what type of mobile are you using: vodafone no wansegu taiou no yatsu 905SH
10. what's your phone's song: none
11. what's one cell's memory?: around 200 items?
12. favorite brand: JUSTIN DAVIS, ROYALFRASH, DORUGABA wo....
13. favorite color(s): black, white, silver, gold
14. favorite word(s): yoyuu (as in slack or room for composure)
15. favorite food(s): pizza, sushi, ramen
16. least favorite food: celery
17. do you cook?: YES. buta no shouga yaki ...
18. hobby: driving, something about buying a bike for a little
19. special skill: smiling
20. strong point :yume mi gachi
21. weak point: yume mi gachi
22. habit(bad): honorifics
23. daily routine: cleaning
24. what was put on your report card: they weren't : has no composure
25. best interest: DOLCE&GABBANA
26. charm point: dimple
27. weak point: rain
28. what do you collect: JUSTIN accessories
29. now, what kind of domocile do you live in: red and white (o_0)
30. favorite place: my place, the park
31. where would you like to go?: nagasaki ??????hausutenbosu??????
32. what do you do on off days: ride around on my bike
33. best thing you ever bought:big scooter
34. best movie: give me heaven;
35. recent frustration: over shopping
36. how do you relieve stress: shopping
37. most important thing: time;
38. most respected people: parents
39. first romance: 2 year elementary school
40. did it work out: yes
41. favorite female type: gentle type that ??does the howahowa??(I don't want to know)
42. disliked female type: kinds with a strong spirit
43. Thing you wish for a girl: meekness
44. what is your fetish? big boobs/thighs
45. favorite fashion for a girl: cute type. skirt style would be nice
46. girl action that make you throb: fixing slippery clothing
47. did you ever confess to someone you like: YES
48. idea date course: designing is good
49. the color of romance is: light pink
50. present that you are glad to receive: Justin Accessories
51. Do you wish to get married:YES
52. what would you name your child:adzu (adu, azu)
53. ideal male image:MANDOM, SMASH & MACHO
54. what makes you happy that you were born male: nothing in particular....
55. if you choose being born male or female: female
56. for what reason: There are various things about womanhood I'd like to experience
57. where do your eyes go when you first meet someone: pupils
58. childhood dream: salary man
59. older age's enjoyment: I'd like to spend my time with a wife, in some rural area
60. what do you think is wrong with the world:umm, taxes
61. what do you think your mental age is: 46
62. how much money is in your wallet: 15000 yen
63. are you good at waking up: No-
64. do you believe in fate: YES
65. something you are worried about: The world cup
66. biggest prank you've ever pulled on one of the members:fall down shaking at a birthday party.
67. biggest thing until now:I found a wallet. I turned it to the police
68. the most expensive thing you've boughten at this point: a car.
69. Even if it's been concealed until now, the truth is...!: ”ni no ude fechi” “two arm fetish”??????????????? (@_@)
70. best first experience:big scooter
71. greatest enemy in life: myself
72. if you hadn't become a musician:cook
73. if you had to rate your self:72 points
74. what do you think about during a live:the expression of every song's world view
75. what do you drink on stage: soy milk
76. something you must do before a live: voice practice
77. something you must do after a live:warm my throat so that it is not cold??????
78. what a live means to you: self expression
79. what instrument do you use: voice
80. make a public commitment, this year I....: will move into a new place
81. A musician with whom you have a good relationship: I don't think there is any
82. something you're not conveying here: poetry (song)
83. Favorite song made by the band:Atama ga okashii
84. fundemental rule in you: never be late for appointments
85. something you think you lack: desire/appitite/lust ?ambition?
86. if you were another member, who'd you like to be: I think I'm good
87. if one of your wishes could come true, what would you wish for: build a castle in hokkaidou
88. something you want to eat right now:ramen
89. some one you want to meet now:Grandpa
90. song you would suggest now: I like “nanamujika”. the song “himawari”
91. favorite artist(s): nanamujikam, onsoku line
92. favorite entertainer:Misaki Aoi, ??shiyama?? sayaka
93. Entertainmet person you are told you are like: moomin
94. Something you plan to do in Shoxx in the future: do an overseas photoshoot
95. what does music mean to you: something to live for
96. what does Ayabie mean to you: my only whereabouts
97. your ambition from here on: Taku-san's world nation advance!
98. A word for yourself in 10 years: are you still alive? Are you still eating meals? have you made a nice household yet? Are the children nice and cute?
99. message for the other members:
ryohei-kun:forever be cute
takehito-kun:forever be affectionate
intetsu-kun:forever be a prince-sama
kenzo-kun:forever be good-looking
100. message to fans: as always, thank you. because all of you have a brilliance and warmth like the sun, you will not see me lower my head in shame. We will never stop now. and since we shall not lose, we will continue to progress together.



1. birthday: 3/27/1983
2. bloodtype: B type
3. birthplace: Kanagawaken
4. Height & Weight: 164cm (5'5”) & 47 kg(103 lbs) (Maybe his fat is fluffy and soft like teddy bear stuffing)
5. Shoe size: 24.5-25 cm
6. Ring size: 13
7. What do you smoke: no
8. Favorite Perfume: Escarda???? esukaada
9. What Model is your cell phone: N700i
10. What kind of ring tone is on your cell: Ayabie
11. How many items on on your cell's memory: about 100?
12. Favorite brand: rad musician, his, And A, #9
13. Favorite Color: Red
14. Favorite Word/phrase: know one's merit (
15. Favorite Food(s): Cheesine (I think he's refering to those cheese weiners), soy milk
16. Least favorite food: anything baked??
17. Do you cook? you best dish?: Yes, Carbonara (spaghetti alla)
18. Hobbies: DS, PSP, Cosplay
19. Special Skill: Guitar Hero?
20. Strength: Talking Fast
21. Weakness: Unexpected weakness
22. Habit: Playing Guitar Hero
23. Daily Routine: swimming
24. Something that was often written on your report cards : Is not Calm (Hyperactive)
25. Current “My Boom”: DS Metroid (w00t, and to think I was so unsettled by him at once)
26. Charm Point: Eyes
27. Weak Point: Stomach
28. Something You Collect: PRS (huh?)
29. What kind of apartment are you living in right now: 1DK
30. Favorite Place: My Home
31. What place would you like to go: Parents Home...Is there any better place
32. What do you do on your off day?: Write music, buy stuff
33. Last thing you bought: #9 Brand Denim (Pants I'm assuming)
34. Latest you've seen: SAW2
35. Recent Frustration: Sudden urges of Anxiety (hear ya there pal)
36. Way to solve stress: writing music! ability to concentrate
37. Most precious thing now: Friends. Espescially Lately I think.
38. Respected Person(s): Father
39. When was your first romance: when I was about 3 years old?
40. Did it work out?: Yes
41. Favorite type of Female: Small and white, plumpy
42. Disliked type of Female: nothing in particular
43. Thing you wish for in a girl: Not having sudden Maternal instincts
44. What is your Fechi? : The Iris of the eyes
45. What is your favorite fashion for a girl : Daikan Yama(chou) Style
46. What girl action makes you Throb : Not really an action, but the exposition of lots of clothing makes me throb
47. Have you ever confessed to someone you liked?: YES!
48. Preferred Dating course.: Take a trip through Daikanyama(chou) Preferably
49. Color of Romance: Water colored
50. Present you are glad to receive: JUSTIN Bug Eyed Glasses pendant top
51. Do you wish to get Married: Yes
52. The name you wish to Give your Child: Kaori (I'm assuming, there are like a million names for that combo)
53. Ideal male image: Dad
54. Something that makes you happy you were born a guy: Everything
55. Which would you rather be born as, Male or Female : Male
56. For what reason : There is a better chance of making one's own (or winning a girls heart)
57. Where do your eyes go when you meet someone for the first time: Eyes
58. Childhood dream : Doctor
59. Older age enjoyment: Igo
60. Something you think is wrong with the world: Nothing
61. What do you think your mental age is at: about 20?
62. How much money is in your wallet: 45000 Yen (>, A ,<)
63. Are you good at waking up: No
64. Do you believe in fate: No
65. Something you are worried about right now :
My limits
66. Biggest prank you've ever pulled on any of the members: (I don't think I understand too well (laughs))
67. Best thing until now: (I don't understand)
68. Most Expensive thing you have ever bought : PRS!
69. Even though it has been secret until now, the truth is.... : I'm a Sadist (n Ó д Ò n)
70. Recent First Experience: Male Kyara Cosplay
71. Your greatest enemy: my Delicate heart (0~0;;)
72. If you hadn't become a musician: corporate manager
73. how would you rate your current self: 75 points
74. What is on your mind at during a live: well I am, is everybody else having fun?
75. Stage Drink: Water
76. Something you must do before a live: Stretch (fingers)
77. Something you must do after a live: Well, generally I sit. I'm lazy
78. What does Lives mean to you?: Place of expression
79. What instrument do you use?: ESP Ryohei Model “da-gi-e” type
80. Please make a public commitment: this year...! I will become more famous!
81. I musician you have a good relationship with: S-E-C-R-E-T?
82. Something you are not conveying here: My idiosyncracies
83. Favorite song(s) the band has produced: Romancer, Sukima no Hoshi
84. A fundemental rule you live by: Always use my abilities to their fullest extent (no kidding, it's killing you)
85. Something you think you are lacking: Taku-san's presence...more big people **obscured by scanner cutoff**
86. If you were any other member, who would it be and why?: Aoi-kun!, I want to sing! (but I don't want land fatha)
87. If one of your wishes could come true, what would you wish for: To have Intetsu's body, I want his model
88. What do you want to eat right now: Cheesine
89. Person you want to meet right now: Ishihara Yoshimizu
90. Song to suggest right now: Topaz
91. Favorite Artist: Ayabie
92. Favorite entertainment person: I don't know much...Ishihara Yoshimizu-san
93. Entertainment Person you are told that you are like: Ishida Issei
94. Something you plan on doing with shoxx in the future: Spa Tour! PLEASE!
95. What does music mean to you?: My everything
96. What does Ayabie mean to you: a place for self expression
97. Your ambition from here on: To become famous
98. Word for yourself in 10 years: Can the people around you be important? (I mangled that so bad)
99. Message for each member stuff: (no really the entry is clipped by the scanner)
100. Message for fans: We love you all very much



1. birthday: 8/24
2. bloodtype: A type
3. birthplace: Tokyo
4. Height & Weight: 172cm (5'8”) & 59 kg(130 lbs)
5. Shoe size: 26.5cm
6. Ring size: 13
7. What do you smoke: I smoke. Marumen light
8. Favorite Perfume: Samurai
9. What Model is your cell phone: P901is
10. What kind of ring tone is on your cell: X Japan
11. How many items on on your cell's memory: 30 items
12. Favorite brand: MK, Custom Culture, PPFM
13. Favorite Color: Black
14. Favorite Word/phrase: I become what I perform (I think)
15. Favorite Food(s): Baked Taco's
16. Least favorite food: nothing special
17. Do you cook? you best dish?: Chaahan
18. Hobbies: Guitar, Driving
19. Special Skill: Impulse Buying
20. Strength: Gentleness
21. Weakness: Easily Hurt, and quick tempered
22. Habit: Spending too much time on the computer
23. Daily Routine: Checking fan mail
24. Something that was often written on your report cards: there is consideration
25. Current “My Boom”: Gaming
26. Charm Point: Front Teeth
27. Weak Point: Low Blood Pressure
28. Something You Collect : nothing
29. What kind of apartment are you living in right now: roomy with two windows (I'm guessing)
30. Favorite Place: local
31. What place would you like to go: temple in Kyoto
32. What do you do on your off day?: Drink with friends
33. Last thing you bought: PC
34. Latest you've seen: Davinci Code
35. Recent Frustration: Sleep
36. Way to solve stress: Drink
37. Most precious thing now: Guitar
38. Respected Person(s): Grandfather, YOSHIKI-san
39. When was your first romance: 1st grade
40. Did it work out?: no
41. Favorite type of Female: Cute person
42. Disliked type of Female: Selfish person
43. Thing you wish for in a girl : nothing particular
44. What is your Fechi?: smiling face
45. What is your favorite fashion for a girl : cute feeling
46. What girl action makes you Throb: a smiling face
47. Have you ever confessed to someone you liked?: yes
48. Preferred Dating course.: Taking a trip
49. Color of Romance: Rainbow colored
50. Present you are glad to receive: letter
51. Do you wish to get Married: not really
52. The name you wish to Give your Child: Don't understand
53. Ideal male image: The one I have
54. Something that makes you happy you were born a guy: Don't understand
55. Which would you rather be born as, Male or Female: do I really have to choose?
56. For what reason: Because I think both would be fun
57. Where do your eyes go when you meet someone for the first time: eyes
58. Childhood dream: scientist
59. Older age enjoyment: Guitar player
60. Something you think is wrong with the world: various things
61. What do you think your mental age is at: 19
62. How much money is in your wallet: 1500 Yen
63. Are you good at waking up: bad
64. Do you believe in fate: yes
65. Something you are worried about right now: World Cup
66. Biggest prank you've ever pulled on any of the members: Soy sauce in Wine (ewwwww)
67. Best thing until now: Don't understand
68. Most Expensive thing you have ever bought: Guitar
69. Even though it has been secret until now, the truth is....: but I've aleady said it (laugh)
70. Recent First Experience: TSUTAYA rental
71. Your greatest enemy: myself
72. If you hadn't become a musician: Artist
73. how would you rate your current self: 24 points
74. What is on your mind at during a live: innocent
75. Stage Drink: Water
76. Something you must do before a live: strech
77. Something you must do after a live: smoke
78. What does Lives mean to you?: Dream space
79. What instrument do you use?: Guitar
80. Please make a public commitment. this year...!: I will write a release
81. I musician you have a good relationship with: Fatima's Towa-san
82. Something you are not conveying here: Black hair (I suppose)
83. Favorite song(s) the band has produced: right now “Akagi” I think
84. A fundemental rule you live by: Sanctity of Music
85. Something you think you are lacking : effort
86. If you were any other member, who would it be and why?: Kenzo, he has more fans out of all the members
87. If one of your wishes could come true, what would you wish for: Please, no more earthquakes
88. What do you want to eat right now: Suta Bowl (no idea)
89. Person you want to meet right now: Taku-san
90. Song to suggest right now: THE LAST SONG
91. Favorite Artist: X JAPAN
92. Favorite entertainment person: Oota-san (???)
93. Entertainment Person you are told that you are like: Miyamoto Shinshu
94. Something you plan on doing with shoxx in the future: Front Cover
95. What does music mean to you?: persistant hobby (eh?)
96. What does Ayabie mean to you: dream
97. Your ambition from here on: To make Ayabie Big
98. Word for yourself in 10 years: So how's your health?
99. Message for each member
aoi: Akagi is a good song!
ryo: PLEASE give me your PRS1!
in: be careful with Maron
ken: don't over drink!
100. Message for fans : from here, because of various things, please continue to look out for us.



1. birthday: February 1st
2. bloodtype: B type
3. birthplace: Tokyo
4. Height & Weight: 177cm (5'10”) & 50kg (110 lbs)
5. Shoe size: 26.5 cm
6. Ring size:Secret
7. What do you smoke: I don't smoke
8. Favorite Perfume: Dior “pure poison”
9. What Model is your cell phone: Vodafone 804SH howaito (faux white??)
10. What kind of ring tone is on your cell: Phone sound
11. How many items on on your cell's memory: 50
12. Favorite brand: Tiffany, Anies b
13. Favorite Color: white, black
14. Favorite Word/phrase: carefree
15. Favorite Food(s): Milk tea
16. Least favorite food: Chicken skin
17. Do you cook? you best dish?: Hot Cake
18. Hobbies: Black Tea, Reading
19. Special Skill: I make a delicious milk tea
20. Strength: being carefree
21. Weakness: I'm very slow
22. Habit: Talking slowly
23. Daily Routine: Taking care of my bunny
24. Something that was often written on your report cards: Not calm (none of these boys were)
25. Current “My Boom”: Collecting Post cards
26. Charm Point: Fingers
27. Weak Point: Stomach kocho kocho ????? I think it may have to do with either how well he eats or how well he does sit ups....or how well he can do sit ups and eating at the same time!
28. Something You Collect : Perfume minibottles
29. What kind of apartment are you living in right now: A house
30. Favorite Place: Cafe
31. What place would you like to go: The Moon
32. What do you do on your off day?: Read a book at a Cafe
33. Last thing you bought: folding umbrella
34. Latest you've seen : V for Vendetta
35. Recent Frustration : Acne
36. Way to solve stress: Walk alone
37. Most precious thing now: The other members
38. Respected Person(s): Yoshi
39. When was your first romance: Secret
40. Did it work out?: no
41. Favorite type of Female: Child like girl
42. Disliked type of Female: I woman without Dignity
43. Thing you wish for in a girl: to be secure when to the side
44. What is your Fechi?: Glasses
45. What is your favorite fashion for a girl : Conservative, lolita
46. What girl action makes you Throb: Facial expression of long talked about willfulness (just a guess really)
47. Have you ever confessed to someone you liked?: himitsu
48. Preferred Dating course.: Cafe, Go for a walk, Dinner
49. Color of Romance: Pastel (lit. light, faint pale colored)
50. Present you are glad to receive: Ring
51. Do you wish to get Married: When I want to
52. The name you wish to Give your Child : Still haven't decided
53. Ideal male image: Prince
54. Something that makes you happy you were born a guy: That I could become a prince
55. Which would you rather be born as, Male or Female: Woman
56. For what reason: That I could become a Princess
57. Where do your eyes go when you meet someone for the first time: Eyes, Though I've noticed that I look at hands some of the time
58. Childhood dream: Icecream Man
59. Older age enjoyment: Gambling
60. Something you think is wrong with the world: I can't say too much
61. What do you think your mental age is at: 18
62. How much money is in your wallet: secret
63. Are you good at waking up: betting keeps me. (Just another guess)
64. Do you believe in fate: Yes
65. Something you are worried about right now: Takehito's writing
66. Biggest prank you've ever pulled on any of the members: Sent Aoi a prank email
67. Best thing until now: turning over the chair to Grandma
68. Most Expensive thing you have ever bought: Bass
69. Even though it has been secret until now, the truth is....: The Truth is I hate Earl Grey
70. Recent First Experience: Oxygen Bar! (wooooooooo)
71. Your greatest enemy: good-for-nothing idler
72. If you hadn't become a musician: Law house (huh?)
73. how would you rate your current self: 72 points
74. What is on your mind at during a live: Maron's feelings
75. Stage Drink: Water
76. Something you must do before a live: Prepare my image, lower tension
77. Something you must do after a live: Fall asleep to not forget (just a guess)
78. What does Lives mean to you?: A time to touch everybody
79. What instrument do you use?: Atrie 2 Beta 6. white suits it well
80. Please make a public commitment. this year...! : Write (a) song(s)
81. I musician you have a good relationship with: Lolita's ryoo??-kun
82. Something you are not conveying here: Time for sleep
83. Favorite song(s) the band has produced: Akagi
84. A fundemental rule you live by: Manner
85. Something you think you are lacking: Various virtues
86. If you were any other member, who would it be and why?: Aoi. I want to see him fall down and roll over
87. If one of your wishes could come true, what would you wish for: Happiness
88. What do you want to eat right now: Doneru Kebab
89. Person you want to meet right now: Members
90. Song to suggest right now: Aoi's song
91. Favorite Artist: envy
92. Favorite entertainment person: none
93. Entertainment Person you are told that you are like: none
94. Something you plan on doing with shoxx in the future: Overseas Trip. Candy Classroom, Aquarium, Barbaque, Space Trip
95. What does music mean to you?: Something I cannot do without
96. What does Ayabie mean to you: to meet with everyone
97. Your ambition from here on: To go to Britain!
98. Word for yourself in 10 years: Still happy?
99. Message for each member
a: it's not not round (Inside joke or I'm wrong)
ri: more than ever, it is useless to eat
ta: as always I'm sorry
ke: PEPSI ☆
100. Message for fans: Always, as I've layed aside, thank you. Nice to meet you all!

