
Feat. Gakupo from Vocaloid.
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WelcomeEggplants?![]() Feat. Gakupo from Vocaloid. ---- Best view in Google Chrome, 1280 x 800. ---- |
☆ 第一章 初见牛头马面 2Sunday, March 28, 2010, 4:31 PM.*continue from previous post*xxx就在这时候,一个长得猥亵,身穿古装的男人挣扎着推开他身边的黑衣人,大声喝道:“放开我!老子的身子是你碰的吗?我还没死!老子的命还长着!你们这群狗奴才!放开我!我还要回我府,陪我的那些美人儿!” xxx我厌恶地看着他,想必他就是古代里的那些贪官之一吧?人品如长相,恶人一个!生下来就是浪费食粮和氧气!还制造不必要的二氧化碳!你知道二氧化碳给地球带来的危害吗?你这古人知道什么!贪污喝酒泡美人,社会里的蟑螂! xxx那古人像是感到我厌恶的眼光,突然抬起头看着我。我吓了一跳,一会儿又挺直身子抬起头,要瞪就瞪,谁怕谁!我可是来自公元2010年的年轻才女!你一个古人我怕什么! xxx谁知那古人不但没有怒气冲冲地跑来和我杠上,反而色迷迷地从头到脚打量着我,挑起眉毛道:“小美人长得真不错,个性泼辣,正符合爷我的口味!来小美人,和爷回府,爷保你吃住一辈子,只要你…呵呵呵… 好好地服侍爷…”说完便伸舌舔了舔嘴唇。 xxx我感到脑袋一热,恶心的家伙!我狠狠地瞪着他,若一个眼神能杀死人,他早就被我碎尸万断了!那古人越看越开心,恶心巴拉地朝我这里走过来。黑衣人们见状,忙上前抓住他。 xxx“我说了放开我!…啊…啊啊啊啊!”古人在和黑衣人们的挣扎中一个不小心失足,跌入了三涂川! xxx“救我啊,快来救我啊!”古人的身子慢慢地沉下水面,肩膀,头,手臂,手… 只剩下微微的波纹,最后水面又恢复了平静。 xxx我怔怔地看着水面。那…那古人呢? xxx“嗨,这是个蠢材,死了还不知悔改。”牛头人冷冷地说道。 xxx众人看了连大气都不敢喘,乖乖地上了船。 xxx我迷茫地看着船上的人,竟没有我所寻找的面孔。正当我感到自己的心在滴着血时,船的两旁瞬间化成一片火红。 xxx我难以置信地看着眼前这一幅景色。在像是没有尽头的三途川上,火红的曼陀罗华在片上盛开着,只有船驶着的方向可看见河面。 xxx这花,小时候听馨阿姨说过。彼岸花,又名曼珠沙华,是开在彼岸上的花。馨阿姨说,曼珠沙华也被称为恶魔的温柔。传说中,这自愿自愿投入地狱的花朵,被众魔遣回,但仍徘徊于黄泉路上,众魔不忍,遂同意让她开在此路上,给离开人界的魂们一个指引与安慰——指引着不愿离世的魂魄踏上往生之路,不要再眷恋尘世的浮华;安慰着那些孤单的亡魂,忘记前世悲伤的回忆,期待从见阳光的再会之日。 xxx“小妞,很美吧。”马面人的声音在耳边响起。 xxx我这才会过神来,发现自己的脸颊早已湿透。我轻声道:“再美的花,最终也只是开在彼岸,得到的结果也只是葬在这土砾中。” xxx花开时不见叶子,又叶子时不见花。花叶之间,始终不能相见,生生相错。花妖曼珠和叶妖沙华凄美的爱情故事,他们疯狂地想念着彼此,却要被这种痛苦深深地折磨着。相间的那一刻,曼珠沙华红艳艳的花被惹眼的绿色衬托着,开得格外妖艳美丽,这对鸳鸯却因此被打入轮回,并被诅咒永远也不能在一起,生生世世在人间受到磨难。曼珠和沙华每一次轮回转世时,在黄泉路上闻到彼岸花的香味,就能想起前世的自己,发誓不再分开,却又会再次跌入诅咒的轮回中… xxx榆泽,难道我们在人世间不能相守,在三途川上也不能相见? xxx船依然划着,我的心,却无法忘记那片火红的曼珠沙华…… ------------------------------------------------------------------------ yeah! that's it for today. i wonder if anyone chance upon this and read it! isn't this flower beautiful? yet beneath its beauty is nothing but a tragedy. Labels: story ☆ 第一章 初见牛头马面Saturday, March 27, 2010, 11:19 PM.xxx我站在天空花园里,抬头望着夜空。榆泽,你还记得吗?我们以前常常在这里看星星的,你说你很喜欢这里的啊。小时候,我们常常会瞒着罄阿姨来这里看星星。你说,你会永远陪着我看星星,不管我老了,我病了,我变胖了,或变丑了,你都会一直陪着我… xxx可是,你现在在哪里? xxx罄阿姨说过,人死后的七日叫头七,魂魄会回到人间来,现在,你在我身边吗? 我知道你不想让我难过,所以今天是不会回幸福之家的。我想了好多地方,只觉得你一定会回来这里… xxx我缓缓地走向栏杆。 xxx我一生下来就被父母,不,被那个男人和女人抛弃。罄阿姨捡了我,在幸福之家把我拉巴长大。小时候我被别的孩子欺负,都是你帮我教训他们来着的。可是,现在你走了,谁会保护我? xxx我轻轻地抚摸戴在无名指上的戒指,回忆如汹涌的潮水在脑海里翻涌。我爬上了栏杆,再看一眼美丽的夜空… xxx榆泽,我们不能在世间里的夫妻,那我就到地府去找你… xxx不求同年同月同日生,但愿同年同月同日死。 xxx虽然不是同日…但今日是你的头七,这样的话我们应该会比较容易找到对方吧? xxx我放开了手,毫无挂念地坠楼… xxx“喂,起来,起来!” xxx啊…全身酸死了…我睁开眼睛,谁知道叫醒我的人竟是个马面人!我不禁尖叫,谁知那马面人狠狠地瞪了我一眼,“叫啥叫!你们人类都知道地府有牛头马面了,还叫!”说完,就在我头上狠狠地敲了一下。 xxx“哎哟!”什么?牛头马面?这么说的话,我潇阳真的死了? xxx我连忙抬起头东张西望,周围一片昏暗,不见阳光,身边有几十个人被几名黑衣人推着。有胖的、瘦的、老的、少的、甚至是刚出世的婴儿…他们穿着各样的衣服。花花绿绿,各国各时代。不远处是一艘船,它是一艘木质的船,就像电视里常常看见古人所做的船…莫非,那条河便是三涂川? xxx“喂,兄弟,你干吗要打这女人?人家自杀下来这里够可怜的了,现在还要给你欺负!”一个牛头人走了过来。我感激地看着他。 xxx“呸!谁教这些人类一睁开眼睛看到我就尖叫!我…我这是委屈啊!”马面人开始流泪了。 xxx“哎,你说得我又何尝不了解?阎王大人也真是的,上辈子做下人,现在来地府做这差。我没什么怨言,可为啥要生的这副样啊?”牛头人感伤地叹气道。 xxx“呜呜,就是说嘛!阎王爷说人类都说啥牛头、马面的,爷就将计就计,把我俩变成这样了!还有还有,人类也有一句‘做牛做马’!现在真是又牛又马的了!”马面人狂哭了起来。 xxx我看了不忍,拍了拍马面人的肩膀。“马大哥,别那么说嘛。要不是你俩,我们这些亡魂不只会飘到哪里。你们把我们带来地府,让阎王爷给坏人治罪,给好人投胎,人们在世畏地府,可到了地府却感激不尽!” xxx牛头人欣慰地看了我一眼,眼角是泪水,“够了!别说了!干活儿吧!”马面人擦了擦眼泪,“好样的!小妞了解牛大哥的苦心!”我朝他笑了笑,跟着大伙儿上了船。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- yeah~ i wrote it 'cause i was bored~ 心痒痒的,想写穿越文啊!but seriously, it's difficult for me now, with my limited chinese... lol. just try to see if i have time to continue, or perhaps find somewhere to upload it~ Labels: story ☆, 12:58 PM.![]() everything seems to be in the way. how i wished that they can stop bothering me. yeah, they did a pretty good job of living me alone by asking me my results, whether it's a "good" or "bad". of course it's a bad one. bad? never mind! work harder next time! it's just a common test! Fuck'hell. who the hell doesn't know that it's a common test. you think that i'm not bothered by that fucking half-ass result? you think that i am jolly well alright dealing with my stress management? i don't SHOW, doesn't mean that i'm OKAY. i am not in a bad mood with NO REASON, but no one in the hell world seems to understand all these simple reasons. if it isn't due to factors like money, food and chores, i would rather move out of the house. move to somewhere quiet, to somewhere where people won't talk to me about small, unnecessary matters, somewhere where no one rants at me about my sister, money and whatever else, somewhere cosy and quiet where i can study. just somewhere but not here. or just here with no one else. i thought Adam Khoo helped, but now it no longer does. chemistry is irritating me. Amaths is freaking me out. physics bio and mother tongue is stressing me off. but just who understands these? night is the only period of peace, the only way to escape. ☆ Aye~Friday, March 26, 2010, 3:54 PM.![]() yeah! Happy is gonna save Natsu! poor Happy, you didn't know that they are your parents! ... ... my mood had been pretty low these days, ups and downs, i'm likely to be affected by the novel i read. way back to the Qing Dynasty, the ruthless fights over the crown, the pain of the separation. "相爱,却不能相守". even though one-third of the story is reedited and made up, especially the romance part, it does makes you feel the pain. how do people survive in that period? what is the truth behind the history? no one really knows! 康熙之死,是否是四皇子的阴谋?皇宫里的明争暗斗大家了, 可是,每个历史人物的辛酸痛苦又有谁知! 别说了,越说越心酸 T_T! it's good that i finished the book today. didn't expect it to be a tragedy. meet-the-parents session later. die =A=. i failed Amaths and physics. physics! never expect to fail that! and it's a miracle! i get A2 for english! =A=! Aye! i don't feel like studying now! gonna waste my time! and i hope someone replies my question i posted at Blogger Help! Aye! Aye! Labels: random ☆ 人生Thursday, March 25, 2010, 3:15 PM.![]() 人,只有在逆境中才会有求存的意志。 人生如四季, 你会经历夏天的残炎, 会经历秋天的落寞, 会经历冬天的寒冷, 但最后,春天还是会到的。 ☆ Results (1)Monday, March 22, 2010, 5:33 PM.![]() this is like a miracle. i'm not embarrassed to say, but i've never hit 22 for my... english composition. yeah, never! wow. i kinda shocked my friends when i received it. but that was the only taste of sweetness that i received. the follow up papers were shit. i failed physics by one mark ==. darn, you cant imagine the number of careless mistakes i made -,-. and i think i got C6 for Emaths, combine humanities and bio.... *sigh*. chem, Amaths, HMT. ahhhhhhh. ☆Sunday, March 21, 2010, 5:33 PM.![]() 夏季的残炎,秋天的凉意,冬季的寒冷, 春天,还是会来的。 ![]() 就像夜空中的流星, 消失不见。 若我有他, 不只会是如何的一场情? Labels: random ☆ GAZE; SuG; ALICE 9Saturday, March 20, 2010, 10:21 AM.just watching a few old gazette stuff :D.AHHHH, i just LOVE Kai's hair here. he look cuter like this right? forget about all those half curled hair and frowns! he definitely looked better like this!! T__T! and i had always wonder how did they apply Ruki's eye makeup! AND THIS LOOKS GREAT!!!! ![]() ![]() Take-chan is still as kawai as ever~~ BUT HIS EYELINERS ARE DARKER. DARKER. ONLY BLACKKKK. THIS IS ROCK *v*!!! ![]() AHHHH, AHHHHHH, DEAR CHIYU, HE DOESNT LOOK GAY ANYMORE. pardon me, but his old golden hair made him looked gay. THIS IS DEFINITELY BETTER!!!!!!!!!!! ♥ HE'S HOT. ![]() Masato :D. he still look feminine, but this dark brown hair still look better~ SUG MEMBERS SHOULD WAVE GOODBYE TO GOLD HAIR. ![]() Chiyu~~ bad boy look Chiyu (/♥♥)/~~ xDD ![]() ROFL. SHINPEI, YOU NOW?! Shinpei, YOU LOOK LIKE A GIRL NOW. ROOF. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORE MORE MORE!!!!!!!!!!! SECRET SESSION FROM GRACE THE BEAUTIFUL NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUBBED. White Prayers OH YEAH, GREAT. Drella SHOU IS GOING WILD. WILD. LOVE THIS ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. MESHIAGARA ♥. Kiss Twice, Kiss Deadly I MELTED THE MOMENT HE SANG. this is... so sensational. Labels: alice nine., Grace the Beautiful Name, SuG, the gazette, video, youtube ☆ Survive Full PV, 10:11 AM.MIYAVI.darn, this cute man. he is still so dorky now xDD. but he looked fresh without the facial piercings, and i didnt expect him to have his extensions back... he looked better with his short hair ^-^~ Labels: miyavi, video, youtube ☆ GILEAK xDFriday, March 19, 2010, 1:13 PM.![]() Labels: images, manga, Pandora Hearts, random ☆ ArashiMonday, March 15, 2010, 11:52 AM.![]() and yeah, i'm sooooooooo~~~~~ falling for Sakurai-kun *~*. you know, i like to watch VS Arashi 'cause it's bloody funny. the boys are seriously... cute. you know, when you're drown in Jrock with all the mature-and-let's-rock-together-!!!! men, you'll find boy bands like Arashi and KAT-TUN really, REALLY, TOTEMO KAWAII ♥-♥. Troublemaker awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ♥♥♥. Labels: Arashi, music, video, youtube ☆ LAFORET UNDERGROUND PARTY talk showSunday, March 14, 2010, 10:54 AM.Miku-chan looked reaaaaaaaaaaaallly smart here~ ♥-♥~~ahh.... gonna miss all of you T_T. Happy White Day! Labels: an cafe, video, youtube ☆ The End of StillnessSaturday, March 13, 2010, 11:28 AM.YEAH, WHAT'S HOT NOW?GAZETTE'S The End of Stillness pamphlet !!!!!!!! all pictures from gazette_daily. resized and cropped by me :). ![]() popped in my mind :D. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() this photoshoot! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() of shots of him wearing/taking off his blazer... *wonders where the photographer got his inspirations* ![]() always look so gloomy and dark even though he has a totally opposite character :/. kkyyaaaaaaaaaa~ i'm looking for a new base code so i can make a really simple blogskin with Ruki's image as the header. unfortunately, i cant find~~ and i'm so lazy to blog nowadays! Labels: images, The End of Stillness, the gazette ☆ KAT-TUN Kizuna, 10:15 AM.![]() Kamenashi Kazuya.... PRETTY BOY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ *droools over the picture and faints* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. falling for KAT-TUN. lol. Labels: KAT-TUN, music, video, youtube ☆ kimi ni todokeFriday, March 12, 2010, 7:49 PM.FINALLLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THEY FINALLY CONFESSED *-------------*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! READ KIMI NI TODOKE AT http://www.mangareader.net!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CTs are just over, and apparently, i dont really have the mood to update my blog :). this year... this thing is likely to die here (laugh). ☆ Asia Pop Festival in Niigata 20100214Saturday, March 6, 2010, 2:59 PM.GWAAAAAAAAAAAAA, this is the video that the magazine said that Jerry had a longer cheering than Gackt -.-. pui, pui! ☆ Gackt Stars in Shiki as SeiyuuTuesday, March 2, 2010, 5:20 PM.taken from: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2010-02-21/gackt-stars-in-shiki-noitamina-anime-details-confirmed
TRAILER About Shiki(manga) kyyyaaaaaaaaa *-*~~~ Gak-kun as Seiyuu~~~~~~~ |