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Feat. Gakupo from Vocaloid.

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☆ 我愛黑澀會 comments

Thursday, October 16, 2008, 9:26 PM.

just finished watching 我愛黑澀會 視覺系藝人是這樣當滴(16.04.2007) :D.

well, it's REALLY funny. Jealbk as special guest. well, but this is a 'visual kei' episode in taiwan, thus, of cos, there's really, really bad things about it.

here's a part of it. mofto's stupid dance.

let's talk about the good things first.

(1) Jealbk
i was really impressed with Jealbk. like all visual kei artists, they are friendly to the girls and really entertained them. they didnt behave like a quiet guest but was enjoying the whole process. i know that they were funny idiots after watching the soccor match they had with alice nine., but the impression was better now. they're really yasashi~~ and nice people ^^.

HAH, that's all.
now bad stuff.

(1) ya tou's reaction
well, you couldnt feel peaceful when you see her reaction, as a visula kei fan. when she danced the class dance with mofto, she appeared to be 'ohmygod what should i do? i dont want to mix with these wierd people ;_;'. i dont care if i was the only one thinking about it, but it was just written all over her face. also, i dont understand why she wanted to cry when mofto did his stupid dance all of a sudden. i mean, is that so scary? my brother who was watching with me laughed out loud. gosh, HEY, mofto didnt fly all the way from japan to scare you, he was doing his best to entertain eveybody, not considering the fact that taiwan people will think that he's crazy... or whatever. if you didnt want to interact with them, why ask the question in the first place.

(ya tou's fan, dont have to fume over this. i was offended too.)

(2) understanding
when asked if they now any visual kei artist, one said 閃靈. 閃靈(ChthoniC) is some chinese band from taiwan. although they do headbands like what the vk artists too, but FOR GOODNESS SAKE, THEY ARE HEAVY/BLACK METAL. and there's even such comments on the youtube:

: They called themselves a rock-band? disgusting:x

台灣之辱 同一招一直用 用完沒人聽 去當政治家了還要單挑阿扁 你打的贏阿扁喔 等等被人家揍 又要學 kiss 化妝!

i'm not insulting them, but just to let that person know(i forgot who), ChthoniC is NOT vk BUT heavy metal.

(3) dressing
HAH, it's not that i'm boosting over here like i freaking know about visual kei, but, LOOK AT THE SHIT THEY'RE WEARING. i mean, some was okay, like yaoyao who wore lolita. although lolita is another japan trend, it was acceptable under visual kei. but part of them, look, they wore some STUPID PUNK. i dont hate punk totally, but i just cant understand why people always mix PUNK with VISUAL. gosh, isnt that a big difference? you can never mix punk with visual, but why always mistaken visual with punk? it's like thinking that porridge = rice.

and please, there was one who wore a golden wig that's like in the 80's america. and they keep saying that they're going the 'punk style' with realizing that visual is JROCK. and some even wear COSPLAY and drew a stupid ACE on the face, and one was like sailor moon. you see visual kei artists goes around like this? and those out-trend think dark eye shadows which makes you look like a ghost, not many of them use now, and it's the PUNK STYLE who use it.

please, the in charge or whoever, why cant someone do a better research on visual kei and pick their clothes for them properly, or simply just find someone who knows a lot about visual kei to pick their clothes. and what the hell , YOU CALL A VISUAL KEI ARTIST A FAKE PUNK, firstly THEY'RE NOT PUNK BUT ROCK and YOU ARE NOT AS FAMOUS AS THEM SO SHUT UP. Jealbk fans may just kill you when they hear this.


okay, i've written enough ==. it was an enjoyable show, but i was only enjoying the part with Jealbk. i think they attend the wrong show. they should go to the one that miyavi attended, although there was not much entertain value.
