Can you hear me?



Feat. Gakupo from Vocaloid.

---- Best view in Google Chrome, 1280 x 800. ----

☆ dadaladada~

Monday, October 20, 2008, 6:20 PM.

hello ._. .
yeah, no school tomorrow ~ hip-hip-hoo-ray times 3!!
ahhh~ i just went touring around a random friendster friend's blog, and also his links.
and hmmmmm, i feel like playing cosplay man (._. )/.
but like i say~ where can i find the money >_<~~

i dont even know if my job would be smooth and stable. besides being unsure of when she will hire me(and whether she had forgotten that i'm just 14), i dont know when it will start, maybe right at the start of the holidays, or maybe only in year end sales -_-;; !

ahhh, daladaladala,
(okay, you can see that i'm all high and crazy now ._.).
secondly, i will probably spent the money on clothes+shoes+magazines.
you see, i'm all pump up to go for a shopping spree .

also, i had written 14 pages of the story on microsoft document -_- ~~

hmpmh hamp hmmm, i dont know what to write.
oh yea, we got back our artifact today!
mum say that it was very, very nice :DD.

hmph, she didnt believe it when i told her that it was nice a few days back -_o.