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☆ oh yeah, i'm blogging again~

Tuesday, October 21, 2008, 11:06 AM.

and i'm wondering who's reading -.-. i'm not a popular blogger either...

the things is that, i feel like typing a long long~ post, just like the one i did about Jealbk going to the taiwan entertainment show.

but apparently, there's nothing to write about :D.

oh wait, there's something,
today, mum is going to I*** store again.
this is the third time she's going.

you might think. oh my, crazy, third time you say?
but it was all because of those FREAKING I*** people:

a few days ago, mum bought a hanger, those sticks that you put in your closets to hang clothes, and you need the two tiny, or maybe not-so-tiny stuff to support it which you either drill it or paste it or whatever. the thing is that, there is different sizes that fits the pole's circumference, surprisingly.

the first time:

MUM: oh my, the person give me the wrong one! no wonder larh -_-, i keep trying but it still wont fit.
ME: huh? got difference one arh? *tries* ehh, really leh!
MUM: hai, must go again lorh.
ME: what the hell, the person's brain's not wroking or his eyes got problem ==. so careless. next time make sure that it's the correct one then come back horh.

the second time, or third, i think she went to change or bought another one:

MUM: haiya! the person give me the wrong one again!
i took a look at the thingy, and it is true that it is still different, the previous man gave one that really look different, and NOW, this lady gave her one that you cant really tell, but IT IS JUST DIFFERENT if you look closely.
ME: WAOLAO EHH, you still wan go change again arh?
MUM: then? i go tomorrow lorh.
ME: WTH, mum i tell you horh, you go there and telll the sales 'this is the third time i'm coming here, and the previous two times the sales all give me the wrong one. you better give me the correct one.'
MUM: haiya, nvm larh. nvm.


i mean, mum's too kind.

please larh, you may think that it is just a small matter, but are you telling me that you dont fcuking care about such a tiny small matter because she isnt paying you any big bucks? you made my 45(or 6) mother travel all the way to I*** with the damn free bus that goes (&#%() and #(%* and there was once when i nearly fall can. if you got the wrong one for her again, can i say that you are trying to fool us around like idiot? why she cannot tell the different? are you trying to compare a young adult with my mum who needs a spec to really see stuff clearly? everytime when she had to look at things she had to squueeeeze her eyes please even i feel sorry for her i wished she had better eyes and all her white hairs that was covered by black hair can be gone. why i didnt follow her? i dont wish to waste my time on such freaging place. it's such a waste of time. they always show that there are some wuhooo sales but their things are freaking expensive. there closets look soooo niiceeeee on the magazines that they give out like water but when you see the actual thing is like a piece of wood. my sister say that interior designers dont like to go to I*** cos their things arent as good. also, they charges moving fees that are fairly, or maybe really high and you even have to pay essemble fee, when you say that you things are cheap, cheap and cheap ==. when we are moving those stupid self-service heavy boxes no one came to help unless we ask. what's the point of all those self-service? let us made this as an unforgettable experience? pui! it's your job to do it NOT us.

dont get fooled by the name and those beautiful showrooms and magazines.

okay, i want to play my psp -,-. okay, not mine.